How to study lessons?

For Hybrid Pre-Licensing

The first step to your auctioneer journey is to learn about auctioneering, and this is where the Hybrid Pre-licensing course comes to your aid. Go to "My Courses," click on your hybrid pre-licensing course , and start by following these steps:

1. Watch the video lesson.

Each lesson in the hybrid pre-licensing course contains a video lesson from our team of qualified instructors. There are a total of 35 video lessons ranging from 40 minutes to almost 2 hours per video. Click on the play button to start watching.

While watching, you can also jot down notes about the video by clicking on the "Take Notes" button.

To learn more about the notes feature, read this article.

2. Review the materials provided.

Alongside the video lesson, there are also materials provided in each lesson. It can be the blue book outline of the lesson or the presentation slide used by the instructor. 

You can read through these materials while you watch the video lesson at the same time.

You can also choose to download these materials and save a copy in your local computer storage. Go to the "Materials" tab in the lesson page and click on the links to download the materials.

3. Take the quiz.

After each lesson, there's a short quiz provided to assess what you've learned. Each quiz contains less than 20 questions and you need to get a score of 80% or higher to pass. 

A lesson in the hybrid pre-licensing course will not be marked as complete unless you pass the quiz portion. Make sure to take and pass the quiz to ensure your progress in the course.

Don't worry, you can retake the quizzes in the hybrid pre-licensing course again and again until you get a passing score.

At the end of the entire hybrid pre-licensing course, there is a final test that has the same mechanics as the quiz, however, the final test can only be taken once.

For a detailed guide on how to take quizzes on Reppert, read this article.

For Continuing Education (CE)

For CE courses, the steps are also simple and almost the same with only a slight difference. Go to "My Courses," start a CE course, and follow these steps:

1. Enter your license number.

This is the content of the first lesson in every CE course. Simply enter your auctioneer license number on the provided field; this is a required step for you to receive your certificate of completion for the course with your complete details.

Once you have entered your license number, click on the "Update" button to save your license number. If you entered incorrectly, you can redo this step again anytime.

Before proceeding to the next step, make sure to click on the "Mark Complete" button to save your progress on the first lesson.

2. Watch the video lesson.

The main content for a CE course is a video lesson from our team of qualified instructors. Each video takes an hour long; if the CE course is 2 hours long, there will be 2 video lessons provided. Click on the play button to start watching.

To complete the lesson, you must watch the entire video lesson. 

Once you're done watching the full video lesson, click on the "Mark Complete" button to save your progress.

The "Mark Complete" button will turn blue and be clickable if you fully watched the video lesson until the very last second. Otherwise, it will remain unclickable.

3. Take the quiz.

The last part of every CE course is the quiz. Each quiz has 20 questions and you need to get a score of 80% or higher to pass.  

If you pass the quiz, then you have officially completed the CE course (given that you have also marked completed the previous lessons within the course).

For a detailed guide on how to take quizzes on Reppert, read this article.

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